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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting There

So I left home on Dec 24th to be in Montreal for Christmas, it was fun, spending Christmas in Montreal with my mothers side of the family always is, Christmas Mass at Notre Dame, staying up until 4am opening gifts, it's all quite exciting.
But alas I was only in Montreal for 36 hours because on Christmas Day I departed for Turkey.
Now when I originally booked my flight I was in Economy, a few days before my trip I received an email telling my my flight had changed, looking throughout the email I could not find any change to the times, flight numbers, except that I finally noticed that underneath it said Business.
Now I don't know how many of you have flown business class, but I assure you that if you ever get given the opportunity take it, Business class is head and shoulders above the squished compartment given to the chattle at the back of the plane. I could stretch my legs and not touch the seat in front of me, amazing food(actually good rather than just airplane food), real cutlery. I never want to fly economy ever again(if only my wallet agreed with me)

So I flew from Montreal to Zurich, where I went through the same security 3 times, long story short I didn't want to put up a stink about my full waterbottle, they had guns and looked very serious.
I eventually found the Swiss Airlines lounge where there was free food, beer, newspapers internet comfortable chairs, all in all a good place to spend my 2 hours at the airport, also an excellent view.
While taxi-ing to the runway looking out the window I noticed a traffic controller dancing, no idea what to, but I found it amusing enough to put into my journal, he did a bunch of different moves, only recognizable one was the moonwalk, it was impressive.
Flight from Zürich to Istanbul was uneventful, however in Istanbul Airport I discovered that my bags didn't have to clear customs with me, this was news to me and only discovered it after nearly an hour and a half wandering around trying to find someone who could help me(I had made the brilliant decision to put my turkish phrase book in my checked luggage).
Eventually I figured out that my bag didn't need to clear customs(which was strange considering the scrutiny it got later on), exiting the international gate area made me feel like the Pope, or maybe a rockstar. There were thousands of people pushed up against crowd control fences waiting for someone(based on the number of arab looking clothes, I guess they were waiting for people on the flight from Dubai), either way it was pretty cool.

Istanbul to Antalya was uneventful, and I ended up in my hotel around 7pm, at which point I heard some eerie music coming from somewhere(I believe "Con Te Partirò" Brightman and the Blind guy). I soon discovered someone was belting music over the Harbour, the kind of situation that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.

All in all my journey was pretty good up to this point, lessons learned: Fly Business Class, Pack your phrase book in your carry on luggage.

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